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being a mumbaikar

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Yaratılış: 13/04/2010 07:54
Güncelleştirmek: 13/04/2010 08:13
Makaleler 1
Haftanın ziyaretler 926
Toplam ziyaret 791

mumbaikar :: Mumbaikar

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Makale: Being a Mumbaikar - 13/04/2010 08:13

HI, i was born n brot up in a middle class family in the mumbai suburbs.To the core am a mumbaikar.I can vouch on that cos of the following reasons:

1. Iam pretty much used to the humidity here..and rarely complain

2. Ive become an expert in boarding the peak hour mumbai locals and dont mind if someone whose sweating profusely slightly brushes against me in the ladies compartment

3. Ive become used to the unusually large queue at each n every milestone of our everyday life, rt since, paying the breakage charges in the chemistry lab to the ATM queue just to check my balance.

4. I raely get to seee my friends except for deliberately planned parties or functions

5. i take a Rs. 1000/- note till the market n return almost empty handed just adding veggies n fruits to my bag.

So what does all the above mean? Well what i wanna convey is that for a mumbaikar surviving anywhere is just "baaye haath ka Khel" cos we live in the most trying of circumstances.Am proud to be a mumbaikar and an Indian.Jai hind, jai maharashtra.